
Our kamps are a safe space for young girls that foster learning, sisterhood, collaboration, and support, by providing motivational and educational programs to help them excel in life mentally, physically, morally, and socially. Kamps are open to all young women who can travel to our facility. The girls are on our campus all day, with breakfast, lunch, and a snack provided. Kamp runs for two full days from 8am to 5pm.

Courses are taught on a variety of subjects including (but not restricted to): mental health, financial literacy, anti-bullying, personal hygiene, menstrual care, sisterhood, nutrition, career development, physical fitness, etc.


Kamp also provides opportunities to serve the less fortunate with activities such as feeding the homeless and creating care packages for those in need.


In addition to the courses that are taught, the girls are also paired with a mentor that is known as a “kamp sister”. These Sisters help foster a safe and intimate environment where they can feel comfortable, ask questions, and get the small group interactions that other programs are not necessarily able to offer. Our goal is that the girls leave feeling more knowledgeable, independent, and self-aware. They can go into the world and lead with confidence.


Future Plans

KINDkamp is working on expanding to offer kamp sessions all summer. We are working on relationships with surrounding educators to begin offering in-school programs, mini-kamps and workshops as well.